Google Algorithm Updates- How To Keep Up And What You Should Know

Google releases update quite often- usually every day a new update is released. Most of...

Sample SEO Timeline

Search engine optimization is an ongoing process that takes time and may be different for...

Things You Should Do To Keep Your Website Ready For New Year

2018 is finally here! Beginning of the year is a good time for reflections. Looking back at...

Did you get “Your connection is not private” error message? Here is why.

Have you received the error message that “Your connection is not private” when...

WordPress & SEO- Step by step guide on how to optimize your website

The WordCamp Orlando 2017 is over. It was a very nice experience and I had a chance to meat...

SEO for Business- Necessity or Luxury?

Marketing is essential for any business- whether you are small business, freelancer, or...

9 Most Common Mistakes When Hiring SEO Firm

Search Engine Optimization is a great step you can take to improve your website online...

8 Link Building Techniques I Learned from SEO Summit Hosted by Neil Patel

Yesterday was the first day of awesome SEO Summit that was hosted by Neil Patel. Neil...

Using Online Images? Here Is What You Should Know

Using online images may be very tempting but can be a very dangerous practice. How...

Organized Cybercrime Group

Website Hackers- what’s in it for them?

Once in a while we get those breaking news about company’s website being hacked and...