Beginning of the year is the time for fresh start. People start new year resolutions- sign up for gym memberships, go on a diet, etc. Business owners reevaluate their businesses, and set up new goals and strategies. How did you start new year- 2016?
If you own a website, here is my challenge to you: please, please, please make sure your website is up-to-date. It is essential to in maintaining website security and to prevent any potential problems.
Things to look for:
- Does your website Copyright banner in the footer reflect the current year?
- Is your software updated?
- Do your theme and all plugins have the most current version?
- When does your hosting account and domain expire? It may be time to renew them soon.
- How does your website look like? Does it have the most recent contact info, address and company information? Is there any information that is outdated and needs to be removed? What about any calendars on your site?
- Who has access to your website? This is the most commonly missed security threat. You might have granted access to technical support, former employee or previous web designer. Please make sure your website security is not at risk in this matter.
- What is your strategy to bring more traffic to your site this year?
- Does your website meet search engine standards to rank well?
Those are all very important questions worth careful review. You invest money and time to make sure your website looks nice and appealing. Make sure you review it periodically and keep it updated as your website security is at stake.
If you would like to get help with reviewing your website or if you have any questions, please contact us today. Also, I would love to hear what is your best practice and strategy to start new year well.